Friday, November 14, 2008


such have I felt but not such that pierced me.
I supposed I had enough.

Life of mine seems so painful when get hold on it instead of letting it go,
may be I'm at fault,
I supposed I'm at fault.
I do not deserve.
why only I can see things that others don't and yet not seeing what they see?

so what have I done,
oh, what have I done?
what have I done,
that breaks a heart that I should not.
why have I cried as if I'm broken hearted,
why have I failed in such circumstances?
when I broke His heart,
He comforted me, instead.

when will my eyes ever see and have no doubt forever?
when will my heart turned away and jnever return to its old?
when will I see with pure heart?

I doesn't seem to know me.
I'm no longer me.
no longer me.
Such is a good news to me,
I supposed,
in the midst of troubles.

yet when will I ever take refuge as
He had been waiting to see my return?
A lost sheep.
It happens, again.
I've failed,

bring me back, master.
bring me back my shepherd,
back to your green pasture
where your love flows.

bring me back to you,
when you see me go astray.
bring me back to rest,
when I've go weary.

I shall have my eyes blinded,
I shall have my limbs separated,
I shall have my heart torn,
as I deserve.
Yet in such, I pray.
and you've heard.
And you told me who I am.

such on the hill,
you told me I'm yours.
what more can I do,
as the potter had perfected his work
using His blood to write on my heart
He cares.

yes, I supposed,
as I am to enter my home,
yes, I shall,
as I'm going back.
and I'm freed, and the air I take in,
no longer is the air that I had,
in my cell.
it's no longer the one I had been,
as I shall not return.

who am I?
I'm no longer the same,
every second.

1 comment:

K.P. Fern said...

woooooow........that's really good.