Friday, December 3, 2010


It has been really really long ever since I last typed something here. As you grow older time flies, it flew so quick and hi and goodbyes became more frequent and you'd wonder why at all. Things happened to people around, or perhaps, to you, but you never realised. And you wonder at all, do you really know what's happening? Do you really know the people around you?

There's so many lecturers that leaving us. And so many friends that are leaving for studies.

I don't know what happened, but for a real long time[at least, I don't remember since when I have that thought] I've been thinking about what would happened if I'm dead. Would people around me, those people I cherished most, remember me? Or at least, come for my funeral? And would I be leaving a blessing, or just, nothing? Would someone said to his or her friend, "this guy, has done something in my life, though it has been long since the Lord took him home."? Are they thoughts of leaving a legacy, pushing me to live a life more meaningful, or perhaps am I self-glorifying? I hope it's the former, never the latter. And only few most important questions that I've summarise: Have I truly live a life as a signpost, one that point to truth and life, and a home that worth for eternal blessings and not destruction? Have I at least, point them to the Lord who loves us enough to die for us?

People have been saying that "he's "holy", he is the last person i'd think of to do that, he is a nice guy, he is ...[I should stop all these]" it sounds a little unsound sometimes. which one really knows me and would stand with me side by side as soldiers in this tough Fight? Which can I call best friend? And what then is best friend? And to those who may be saying that you are my best friend, may I ask, have I been one for you?

I don't think there's such a thing call "you've grown too fast", is there? But really, there's so much more that I've not known.

Recently, I've been thinking about lots of stuff. I've come to a point where I know that I can't like anyone, at least now. For I've been too fickle, wherever I go somewhere, met new people, I'm attracted to this or that girl.

And li yang has a real wise point, he read and shared with me from a book titled "kissing dating goodbye", "that we shouldn't get into relationship until we treat girls as how they should be treated, not with the intent that one day she can become our girlfriend." That really struck me, I don't know why, or since when, I failed to treat girls as persons. I felt sorry. It's not because it's not true that each girl has a possibility of become my partner in life, but because I'm not really honoring them as persons, as precious of God.

I've watched Toy Story 3 and I'm guilty, for my heart have not been pure.

Some guys always talked about girls, talked about their figures and everything, and some said that masturbating is healthy, some say pornography is not wrong because everyone watches it. But what makes an action right or wrong? Where's the honor and where's the integrity that guys should give ladies? And where's the integrity and dignity of gentlemen? Where's this love the world lost? People sang love, talked love, whisper love, or even make love,but my foot, what in the world was that? I hope that the first line of this paragraph, those words "some" will not be replaced by "most", and never "all".

I once read an article about child prostituting and sex-trafficking, and there's this picture, showing an innocent girl, crying, trying to hide herself, facing the wall, and there's a guy, half naked, that approaches her, trying to hold her arms. And the caption there wrote something like: "a customer is trying to woo a young girl." The girl is just about preteen age I guessed. and what tomorrow would she have faced? What childhood could she have? And I wonder, what is the photographer doing? What "woo"? Is the little girl nothing more than an animal? Perhaps evolution theory got too much into the head of these people. Deep sadness.

I wonder how many children in the world is crying. I wonder how many nights they've been crying, hoping to see the dawn in their dusk of lives where they should be with their family, in shopping centres enjoying dinner. but... could anyone blame God for what human did? Is it not our society has turned us into?

the love of money has swollen governments, hearts, families and so much more. For the profit, a government would allow her people to be taken over by drugs and cigarettes. For the profit, a person would sell a innocent child to another, to fulfill the lustful cravings. Oh dear.

There's such an irony there, some that have a chance to protect themselves and honor their body did not do so; yet some, were never given a chance till when they are able, and by that time, perhaps it's too late, or just, they sunk too deep to have that desire to get a new life. And in the midst of these horror that's happening, where do we, those who are luckier, or blessed, stand? Are we just like those animals out there that called themselves human, or someone who could make a difference?

Thank You Lord, for giving us a reason for existence, thank You for we know we're fearfully and wonderfully made, and You have a plan and hope to prosper us, to give us a future and a hope. Use us to make that difference here on this broken earth.

- Almost reaching the end of 2010. :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

It was church day: Sunday, hearts open, my God took the lost sheep by His own hands.

"Romans 8:38-39: For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
I was totally devastated before this, I was thinking in the car, about lots of things, things happening lately, long ago, and imagining what is happening next. And I was rather terrible, I was thinking about the youth, a lot of things seems to be needing change. I was ignorant. Lately I feel the talks in Youth aren't relating real lives. Thinking about what happened to Poland's government, I was feeling that somehow the church has not been relating world news. As if the church is not in the world. But I was wrong.
the night before this, a friend of mine told me about her going to national service, and leaving us, and while encouraging her, I was punching my keypads asking her to keep trusting in God. I stopped. I fell back to my chair. "keep trusting in God." Why haven't I thought of that? The God that has never fail me, not even once, though many times, it seems like He is. But after eachwave of challenge, there is a hammering into the truth, the deep conviction that God knows what He is doing, and because He knows what He is doing, and He loves us, why is my heart so troubled within me?

For at least two weeks I was abnormal, in such a short period of time, I was doing things that I wouldn't do in the past. I was lost, I went somewhere, wandering, but not unguarded, not without supervision, especially not when you arre in a Father's hand.

"While encouraging others, be encouraged, be comforted - a small gentle voice resounded in my head."

I was sitting there with my friend in the seats, while waiting for the service to started. I was also waiting for another friend who promised to have a talk with me since i told her about my condition the day before. While waiting I was flipping through the Bible... read on. I was asking her to pray for me or pray with me. Now, praying alone is one thing, praying with is another.
Allow me using the tone of an author: Jesus did not just do callings, calling us intoo His kingdom, but more of, we are given a calling, by grace through His death and resurrection. Not asking us to do a favor, but we are given a favor.
My friend then sat beside me, I was talking to her about the trusting in God thing happened late in the midnight before. And then the service started. And I prayed that God will prepare our hearts... then the worship leader started the songs, the hymms, was initially um, slow? Then I was thinking perhaps I have been too fast these days, too driven - now, if it were that, it's scary.

And I was thinking about the song, "BE THOU MY VISION". Since I-don't-know-when it started, but sometimes, whatever song that I was given to sing whether I was down or happy through the week, the congregation either in youth service or main service, would be singing. [To be frank, I was kind of a music idiot who wasn't good in music.] But hymms after hymms, there was no sight of the hymm... and the sermon started, at first I was really feeling the speaker spoke kinda slow though. Then I was taught to wait, and the speaker then asked us to jott down words that may show what God has done, through the passage Ephesians 1:3-14. I was not good in that, the speaker spoke too fast...

And the speaker continue his sermon, talking about what Paul urge us to do. And the first question in my mind was: Legalism? No, and I was reminded of whatPaul Washer had spoke before, about the passage in the Bible, 2 Corinthians 13:5 "Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. ..." It is not about what we are supposed to do, but about how our daily living should be, how they must reflect who we are.

And in the end, the speaker showed a video, of how a man actually carry a cross and then he ask the Lord to allow him to cut off a little, and then a little more, and when the reach a place where was a gap, the cross he carried is not long enough to act as a bridge for him to cross, [maybe you've seen this in an e-mail], and these are the words that stays in my mind after that: have we compromise of living worthily? It is never an easy life that Jesus has promised for us on earth. And while the video is being played, the song [i cannot remember much] but this what I've learnt, we are not alone in this journey and Jesus' love never ceases.
and the closing hymm was this:

"Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my Heart..."

Then after that, the youth service, all the songs was just as resounding what state I was in. And previously on the Friday, my friend and I were singing the song with guitar, Heart of Worship, and I never thought that a casual song sung with my friend would be also the song for Youth Service.

And our Youth Advisor was speaking on Grace - a subject that if I has passed my Maths, my General Paper, my all other subjects, even if with flying colours, I've failed this one. But yet not I, but God who made it possible for me to pass into His arms, through grace. If I could I would post the whole handout given by my Youth Advisor, but I decided, this one is one of the best part in the handout, consider "THE OUTSIDER" while thinking about what grace means, a poem written by Dave Tippet:

"He was a dweeb in the eyes of some.
A loner.
He was different.
Spoke of strange things.
Weird things.
Things that no one had heard before.
His dad had a bad reputation with some.
He tried to talk about his relationship with his father.
Few of the teachers listened. Or cared.
He belonged to a gang.
A gang that was considered dangerous.
It roamed the town, causing local authorities trouble.
He got in people's faces.
He hung out with losers.
Rich kid hated him.
Some said Satan was in him.
He called the teachers names.
To their faces.
He lived on the streets.
He called himself God.
He got violent once. He was expelled for it. But he came back.
He talked about his own death calmly.
He promised to come back from the dead.
One of his gang got him arrested.
He defended himself in court. He lost.
The state executed him. It was a horrible death.
On the third day, he kept his promise."

[It was inspired by the shootings at Columbine High School.]
I did not know he was Jesus until the poem was read through almost till the end. Well, we may say, it was inaccurate. In fact, He never regarded Himself as God, or regarded His divinity as something to be grasped, but humbled Himself, even as a man, or more accurately, a death-sentenced-criminal. [Philippians 2:4-11]. In fact, He never really defended Himsef in the court. yada yada. But the more important thing was not the poem, is it the incident that inspired it into being? lest we lost focus, but to what extent is God's grace for you and I?

And most remarkable for me is this: I have forgotten the Jesus I once knew, and was reminded.
Quoting what Nicky Gumbell once said, if it was just for a world which has a population of two - just you and I, Jesus would die on the cross, and gone through all that was written there too and much more than just what is written.

"I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see."

[Many statements of what I feel and written here may not be exactly the truth, not accurate facts about anyone, any group of people, I would appreciate if you let me know if you feel that it should be edited so that it doesn't offend anyone, thankyou]

Friday, April 9, 2010

A personal easter.

I was running at high speed, searching to know what can I do with two hands.
I was determined, but He has a better plan for me.
I was pressed down,my soul cries,
my heart was aching so was my eyes swollen on a Good Friday night.

I've never rejected going to a church function,
When my dad was saying Matha and Mary,
I cannot help but to let my tears flow right down.

So I cried,
"O my God, take me away, bring me back to you;
I really know not what to do.
Please take me back.
Though I am only 17, but O my God, I am really standing at the cliff of giving up, ready to jump down.

"O my son, hear my voice and know that I'm with you"

"My grace is sufficient for you. And my power is made perfect in Your weaknesses."

"Lord I am weak and frail, I know nothing, I failed everything and now my soul -
a restless soul, I really know not what to do."

- Hormones acting in my body, and my thoughts were filthy.
I did too many things that I wouldn't in too short a period of time.

" O Abah, who knows me O God, who could possibly know me?
talking like a preacher and living like a sinner, am I not a hypocrite?"

"O son, how I could I possibly knew nothing that you felt?"

"O Lord, I'm an unworthy servant, why would You love me so much? Why would You ever take notice of me? I've failed You like I've never before. I've sinned, against my God who loves me."

I've forgotten what is right and wrong, I do not know where is my priority and I've failed to remember the most important thing. It was week of a restless soul. I was tired out every night, sleeping right after dinner till the next morning. Events after events, work after work, I tried to minimise talking to anyone. I've no time for family, no time for the people around me.

"It doesn't really matters now, all is done and all is said, and our God has spoken, ' It is finished' "
So my soul, it cries out and know not what is the right response.
"Because I live, you too shall live. And it is to forgive your all your wrong deeds that I died on that tree."

Knowledge of principles, words of mouth, theories all I might have, but it is futile, I gain nothing,
for in applications, not a fraction of them was I be able to apply in my life.
' Life is not easy, life is not simple, so it seems, so it seems."

I was left with no one else, except You O God, no one understands me,
I don't know if it is my fault that other people don't understand me?
But why, O Lord, have I been striving so hard? Real hard.

But God, only You are with me, even when my friends left me,
even when I need friends, none of them are with me, but You are.
Risen Lord, let me remember till I see You face to face,
that You have conquered Man's greatest enemy.
And You have make it possible for Acceptance.

Cast it all away, cast it all out,
Cry it all away, though my eyes are swollen, only
"Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart,
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art,
Thou my best thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light

Be Thou my wisdom, and Thou my true word,
I ever with Thee, and Thou with me Lord,
Thou my Great Father and I Thy true son,
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

Be Thou my breast-plate, my sword for the fight,
Be Thou my armour, and be Thou my might,
Thou my soul's shelter, and Thou my high tower,
Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.

Riches I heed not, nor Man's empty praise,
Thou my inheritance, through all my days,
Thou and Thou only, the first in my heart,
High King of Heaven, my treasure Thou art,
High King of Heaven, when the battle is done,
Grant Heaven's joy to me, bright Heaven's sun,
Christ of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be Thou my vision, O Ruler of all."

[I really don't know how, I was sinnging this song, whenever I was alone and so down in the week, and on Good Friday's night, my dad actually sent me an e-mail, with exactly the same hymm]

Only let me be quick in Love, or rather, in Love. amen.

Friday, February 5, 2010

My First Love

My first love.
I do not know what u will feel after reading this, I just want to pour out some things here. Do not think that I’m a spiritual man or a holy person, do not separate my life into piece by piece, and don’t be so cruel, separating my life into secularism and non-secular. I am just having Life.

I am only 17 years old, but lots of things have happened on me, and many of the things I’ve experienced. I was as good as dead when I was 16. Sexually obsessed, masturbation, porn, proud and arrogant, indignant, though I was pretty much involved in great activities, missionary trip, but behind my physical, there’s nothing but a dry soul.
I like animals and nature since young, and decided to become a vet one day. But d’Na – if there you feed a man a fish, you feed him for a meal, but if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for life; if I’m given but some lectures, I was just being moved, but d’Na forge new generations of young thinkers, and I, am one the benefited one. Forever changed, not by D’na, but God. And through d’na, a heart to think Life, love Life is created in me.

Given all those knowledge, I was but loafer. One evening, I was struck down by His love and forgiveness, Matt 5 is one of the first few passages that God spoke through to me. Knowing all that He has done as an historical incident, an incident that break the limits of man reaching God, and now God reaching man. I was reading one day the Gospel, knowing that Christ shamefully stripped and whipped and crucified, my heart and mind was put to the very scene that evening, and knowing He died that wicked and sinner Raymond because of love. I finally realized what forgiveness is after all.

I was lost in the world, He found me, and I found life, I’ll not live my life the same again. I found myself in none other but Christ Himself.

Monday, November 30, 2009


This is what seems to break apart: a heart of a young man.

“Why the rest received those information? Why didn’t you? Is it because you are bad. May be she looked down on you. May be she thinks you don’t need it. And why didn’t you study hard enough last few days? Huh? Why did you now come and ask for help? Didn’t you know your time? Your planning?”

“And why did that person didn’t reply you?”
Studying hard maybe?
“Really? Studying hard? Then why that person text others?”
Um, I… dunno.
“Maybe … likes that person, not you.”
So wat?
“So wat? You know yourself.”
No, it’s not true…we waved good-byes just now, both smiled…
“then, does that mean anything?”

“Why did your friends don’t talk to u these days?”

“can you grow up? And stop pouring more on your sister when your dad try teaching her.”
“is that love for your sister? You prayed for peace for family, yet now you are stirring for troubles”


My heart pierced. Deeply. Deeply hurt. Is it because of me of all these? Is it me, my fault? Too hurt to cry.

I messaged my dear brother who messaged me to encourage me for tomorrow’s Bio paper. Telling him my feelings as brief as possible. And before that I wanted to encourage a dear sister of mine, but…
“Don’t you feel odd? Hypocrites… You yourself got problem, now want to encourage others? What you think you are? Busybody.”
No, those aren’t really my problems.
“They aren’t?!!”

STOP, I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE. I messaged both of them, telling both my thoughts, rather than thankyous, encouragements, or whatever… all kinds of voices I heard, but I am not hearing of it, I sent out all I could describe with that 12 keys on my phone…

Then encouragements came in, slowly, yet my heart is still bleeding. I couldn’t say much, those messages, with love. But I just, I couldn’t give proper response. I’m too tired to flip another page of Bio, too tired.

I asked my sis’ help, she refused. What can I say? Knees down, head bowed. Only the Lord is with me. On bed, soon after, I woke up and find myself alone in the quietness, 1 o’clock in the morning. I wanted to wake up at 12, but well, 1 o’clock is still good. Thank God. Though sleeping did not help much, the Lord does give me some rest by it. I woke up, found two messages: one with much encouragement, and the other was asking whether I want to talk on the phone and she’ll keep praying for me. I was much better by then, so I said that prayer is what I need now.

Few pages of Bio, on bed again, my dear bro asked me what time I will wake up. ‘4:30, why?’ ‘I’ll call u to pray’ ‘thanks.’ This is the love of a brother.

Woke up at 4:45, miscall one, when I just received the message delivery report, he called, we prayed. Was way better by then. Though little that he understands my problem, he did all he could, the best he could, prayed for me, intercede for me to the Creator of Heaven and Earth.

Bio, although I didn’t manage to cover all, didn’t really study much, but I believed, His peace carried me through. I didn’t dread, neither do I become distress. His peace was with me.

Now to reflect by it, if it wasn’t the love of the brother, I would have still battling. But wait… much more than that. If it wasn’t His love and His personal care and watching over His children, my friend wouldn’t prayed with me at 4:30.

Now I remembered, there was once, when I text an auntie, not knowing she was in Australia, about my problems, without much waiting, she called me, WHILE SHE WAS IN ANOTHER COUNTRY!! I don’t care if you say IDD cheap or what, what I know is, this is the love of a church inspired by LOVE. Now to reflect back those days, when I used to talk with siblings till midnight, prayed through the ticking sound of 12 o’clock. How many times, at the moment I need people the most, He sent His children with His care, to comfort a soul like mine.

It took me few months after d’na to learn the importance of church. CHURCH ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN I COULD LEARN IN FEW MONTHS. Although the officer gave us a night lecture, I got the wrong message. But my roommate spoke up in reunion, about that night lecture, I finally realized.

If not the church, my family would have still been a broken one. Without Him, there would be no church. If not His love, there would not.

Just a detachment from my journal:

“Son, know this,
it could never hurt you more than it hurts ME,
Did I not myself let these test come upon you,
Seeing you cried because of this and not understand,
Is my heart not broken?
When you shed your tears, I shed MY blood, just to give you the best, with joy and hope.
Did you not remember? I once told you that I will always be with you, My Spirit will always be with you.
Did I not uphold you with My Righteous Right Hand?
Have Peace, My Peace,
My Peace I give to you, not as the world gives.”

And the other day,

“What have I done, Lord?
“It’s not what you’ve done,
but who you are, to ME, son.”
This speaks all, of Him and His love.

Exodus 19:4-6, “…You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings… …” see how our God speaks, a personal way of speaking, is there anyone one like Him who would speak to the creations? Throughout the whole Bible!! For more 4000 years, personally and comforting, direct speech of the Creator to His creations, and finally, with a human vocal chords, spoke words like “and surely I am with you always, to the very end of age.” (Matthew 28:20b) and many other more like “My peace I give to you, not as the world give” “Come to ME, all you who are weary and heavy-laden.” And many can testify now, how He has constantly been faithful to us, isn’t it?

He understands and He knows. To God be the glory, amen.

[Declaration: These are written by a young man, reliable or not, to be confirmed. I just want to use this to thank my brothers and sisters, my family and my friends, my prayer partner, and most importantly, of where all my blessings come from, my Father above, that's all this message is about. :) If you felt uncomfoortable with it, let me know asap, so that I could change, I do not want to cause any discomfort due this.thank you for your co-operation, (I know it's a bit lame, but I meant it!)]

[I think I should go read my Physics now.>.<]

Friday, October 2, 2009

one of the weeks of blessing.

Interviews, applications, waiting, decisions, and hopes.

We make decisions everyday of our life. What to wear, what to eat, which mascara to be put on, which restaurant to go to, which tuition to go for or drop, the subject to take or drop and the next place where we’ll be going to, as well as how we're going to live for next 60 yrs, 40 yrs or 10 0r 20 yrs. Purpose-driven? Prayer-driven? And this is especially real for me and my family as my sister is going to finish her primary education this November and I’ll be soon going to take my SPM and choose another step towards my calling in the near future. And decisions are real important, and I think this statement, though it’s not totally true, but do have few percentage of truth in it.

“Where we are now, actually is the results of the many decisions we’ve made in the past, despite our destiny.”


Sometimes we do not have any idea about why we are making this decision or that. Sometimes we do not look far; sometimes we do not think about at all our purpose of life when we make big decisions like: what course I should take after this.

I’ve been applying for further education since early of this year. Few weeks ago I went for two interview, two different scholarship interview sessions. Praise God for the chances. And well, cut it short, we are supposed to be notified this week. And this week, was really a week of life. It was more than dramatic though, read it, and you’ll know why I’ve said this.

27th SEPT – 2nd OCT 09-

On Sunday, I was kind of troubled after a show, wondering, how many times I have to fight the Young Man’s battle of lust. And I have a talk with my d’NA roommate, he was such a blessing – mature, stable, wise. Thank God for that. He spoke to me about God’s deliverance of him and the salvation that he had learnt of Jesus. And I realize, I’ve actually not realize that, I’ve been fighting on my own many times, and each time I did so, I failed. And he told me these, “Salvation is the supernatural work of God to transform you from a creature who loves sin to a one who hates sin and loves God and the things of God.” “It’s not our work, but God’s transformation. It’s no point of saying the sinner’s prayer and inviting the Lord into our lives and after that go on our own without letting Him to transform our lives,” he added.

Monday, I went with such gladness in my heart, praying and asking God to transform me. Amazingly, miraculously, whatever you prefer, my results were shockingly better than I thought of. Hallelujah, hee~ you know, SPM trial wasn’t as easy as a piece of cake kay. Believe it or not, it was God, not me; it was prayers, not tips. :)

Tuesday I do not know why, seriously, I was so troubled all day long, even after sleep, even when I’m reading the Bible, I’ve no heart for it. I was really emotionally unstable, don’t ask me why, I don’t know. I requested for prayers.

“-Let it go. No point choosing the second best. God’s will is still the best, since He knows everything, yes, everything; He knows what you’ll need in your life, and how you can enjoy life at its best.”

And three days ago, two of my friends who went for the scholarship interview I too went, received the phone call, notifying that they have been selected for it. Well, one of them told me about it the next morning. And I was so troubled at first. But at second thought, I was reminded of an encounter with a voice:
It was after the interviews when this happens. I’ve once thought of studying theology, psychology and medicine. I know, it sounds… But, after some time, I realize it was impossible to study 3 things at one time, 3 totally distinct things, though you may say, not really, since theology is related to psychology, and psychology is related to medicine, but still, if I really do these, I think I might become a customer before I become a psychologist, just joking. And so I said to myself, remembering that a d’NA officer once said to me, if you finish study the whole Bible and the study notes, and understood it, you’re actually qualified as a theologian. So, “Raymond,” I say, “Go finish studying your whole Bible before anything else.”

But after that, people asked me about what I am going to study next time, each time I remembered theology. And many people, those I’ve told that I might study theology and those I’ve not, came asking me what about theology, my relatives, my teacher, my friends, etc. Even STM people came to our church and talked about theology. Although I sometimes wonder, but I’ve never mentioned about theology as one of the option ever since. And for application, career aspiration, I dropped it out. And after the interviews, when people asked me, I once thought about it again, and so I said to the Lord, if it is your will and your calling, show me it is. “What kind of sign?” “Is it okay if I closed the way that leads to others? You don’t get scholarships, or you failed in any application other than for theology, is it okay with you?” that was the voice. I thought, for a moment, consider it, and I said, “Ok, let this be.”
So, after recalling it, I was overwhelmed, I felt I’m not ready, no, I’m not prepared to let go of my friends who will never understand and will soon be lost if I study theology. I’m not ready to give up other dreams, plans, and interests. Which way will I be going? Settling down for a moment, I begin to realize, how hard it is to let go. Although I realize all those that I’ve mentioned were vanities: dreams, plans, people who will never understand you, for these I can’t keep. Not even my life on earth. So, finally, I got up, okay, if it’s Your calling, prepare me to go for it.

“He is no fool, who gives what he cannot keep, and gains what he cannot lose.”
-Jim Elliot, martyr for Christ’s love.

Let it go, let it go, Jesus ask me let it go.

But, more amazingly, while I was troubled so much and emotionally unstable for the day before, after that what happened on Wednesday, I was well and sound. All fine. Way better!! Praise God.

And while I continued to find God’s calling for me, I got some application form from the counselor of my school, which are for scholarships to go Australia. But this time, I was different, I was reluctant to apply them, unlike before, I would try all my best to seek as many opportunities as possible. I was in fact, in confusion. But I did not decide on the spot.

But today, Friday, I reached home earlier than usual, I was bored, so I watched a show, though I got a feeling a I shouldn’t watch, I’ve got better things to do. But anyway, I sinned, another long story. But after that I went, prayed, read the Bible. Then, after a while, I took a nap, and guess what woke me up, kay, it’s ‘who’ wakes… my maid woke me up, but why? “I’m calling from HELP University College; I called you to tell you that you have been selected for… …”

That was the story, kinda long-winded, but I think I didn’t leave out anything…hee~
Theology, may be now it’s not the timing. May be in the future, He will call me to. :)

Continue praying~

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Like a fool, had everything, but with an empty soul. Hungering, desiring a heart satisfied.
I had been wondering what I had done: wondering, have I ever done what is right before You our GOD, hoping that I have been more a blessing than hurts. Wondering have I failed You and vain Your grace upon me. Hoping, to have a life to its fullest.

As I walked day by day, pride accumulate, things get into Your way. Decisions, mine, no longer Yours. The Christmas gift almost 2 years ago, the commitment I had always been making, I seems to have forgotten. Am I of anything? But dusts on the ground, without You, am I of anything? If not Your love that searched me, I am but a worm, dead by now.

Friends of my life, you could not have believe what Raymond was, if not the touch on my heart. I might be a man without vision, a loafer without purpose, unmarked criminals hurting others, an ungrateful hypocrite, and a dying soul, destroying his and others’ lives. Perverse, not-to-be forgiven, meaningless, useless. My life was made in Him, my weakness perfected in His strength, I found my hope in Christ, my purpose to live on. My strength to walk on. Remembering how He persevered to walk the Calvary's road just to love me, love you. That the last darkness in life would be gone.


And I now, though I have been walking in Your salvation, singing Your freedom songs, I always took over the driver’s seat, trying to drive my own life. Have I not remember, the days of Your hands, that led me through my darkest moments into a bright new Day in my life?

“Raymond = God’s masterpiece.”
You bet! Me? Oh, you gotta be kidding me.

13TH SEPT 2009 – I have been really tired after two weeks of trials. And when I closed my books, and sometimes, wander off into my own thoughts. I felt really tired, wondering, have I done what is right so far? Have I been honoring Who I should have honored? I felt my soul getting drier; I no longer have that “oomph” to walk on. Heads down, knees on the ground, no tears to cry. Seeking for moisture for my soul in this walk of Sahara. So, I prayed, “God, bring me back to You.”

As I walked on into the service, I felt dry, nothing in my heart, or, everything is in my head, I was telling my friend about it, and while I was almost going to send a really desperate message to my someone, it sounded like this: “too much a feeling to bear, too many thoughts of mine, too hard to continue, too difficult to decide; I’m left with nothing, no hope, no strength, no place to stand, all except Christ, nothing but His perseverance to love us.” . I almost send it, when the Holy Spirit spoke to me, “wait.” And so I wait. You couldn’t believe what exactly had happened next.

Dr Alex spoke on “essential ingredients for spiritual growth”, and he showed us, some trees actually lived, thousands of years. Some was even there through the years when our Lord walked on Earth. He spoke to us, that we actually, being renewed in Christ, lack nothing to grow, but sometimes, we just forgotten who we are. We sometimes are like Eagles living among chicks, have the ability to soar, but thought we couldn’t. And last of all in a video, I cried.

I have been wondering: what am I actually? I have no talents like Hannah Montana or any other. I have been looking at others playing musical instruments, while I am a music-idiot, perhaps because of the indifference towards music after a slap on the face by my standard 1 music teacher. “Excuses” sometimes I would tell myself. I planned what I wanted to do. I hoped give something to my friend in a Bible study, yet I felt I leave him question mark. I wanted, I planned, I desired, I longed. Going with ME headfirst, I have been waking up, feeling like a failure, “Raymond, you have failed again. Again and again.” I do not know really where I am heading with my life.

And in the 10 minutes video, God spoke to me, “Hey, you are my masterpiece, who do you think you are? I don’t make junk.” And I couldn’t hold my tears. I don’t know why, but just that He is, always there when I need someone to cry with. “Not those talents dear son, not those things that you wanted, but you and Me, in this walk.” And one essential ingredient is, our response. What have been? Come on Raymond, it is not about you, not about your work; but about God’s story of you, about God’s work!

Could you imagine, an Emperor, a Father, owning everything, but also gives you everything. A King, yet would leave His throne, to call you His brother. To die for You.

All the walls in my heart was broken, strongholds torn down. And I’m freed, once again, to sing salvation songs.

And I wrote these down, don’t really know how it sounds, but well, more like a prayer, my prayer is that,

“our God’s name be honored,
His people be filled with love.
And I pray I would love God, not just by loving me myself, but would love God by loving others, by loving God. And with whatever strength that I’m left, I’ll commit my soul back to You now. Amen.”

And my song that I jotted down last Sunday, (:

My heart trembles away,
My soul wanders away,
at the sight of Your love,
I’m back in one piece.

Is that what we’re destined to be?
Are we always a fail,
have we ever forget,
Your joy and your peace?

Have we ever wonder,
when we look at ourselves,
are we nothing but shells,
a man without soul, and
a life without love.

Have the pride taken control,
Have our freedom songs cease?

Have the song of grateful hearts,
leave without a sign?

Teach us come back to You,
Chisel out the sin in our life.
Take it all it takes,
we give You all we are.

Make us Your masterpiece, as it is Your plan!
Make us Your masterpiece, once again!!

Refine our souls.
Make it for the Day,
the Day when trials come,
and swords will shed blood,
eyes will shed tears.

Let us never be afraid,
of the man that sheds blood,
but cannot do to our souls,
any of it.

But let us rejoice,
as we make our lives Yours,
let Your church be filled with love,
as the song we praise, make it dear to You.

Abba Father, our Potter,
take our lives from the miry clay,
make us anew into Your great plan,
make us the salt and the light,
In the world of darkened souls.

Let us discern Your call,
Let us never forget,
Who brought us to the Solid Rock,
in this crushing away,
of the current of the world.

I'll always love You. :)