Friday, July 10, 2009

in between the future and the past.

too many thoughts to be typed, too many words.

Life have been great, whenever I failed, they took me by the hand, hold me, and encourage me. I have never mention any of their names, I've never blog about them, who are they? they are - the people that made up the Big puzzle of my life, which was in a mess. And my Cornerstone? in whom my whole life was organized, led, belong, and completed by.

today, I stand in between the future and the past, looking at my life. and now what am I, trying to answer the question where I am. can i answer lyk how my dear buddy for almost a decade who could asked that question and yet answered with such confidence- walking towards God.

the feeling of losing focus on God - dry, deadly. and days ahead would be too big a giant for me. I wonders how many times I've not been faithful. Although I've had a broken life, nevertheless He have my hand held near, as He always does. the nevertheless.

more than a friend, more than a brother, more than a lover, is my God. and each time they mentioned these three words, I felt like crying. why? if anyone know my life, he would understand it.

and as I walked the streets of city square, on the stairs, I saw the those that depressing faces, holding used cups in their hands, broken leg, hand full of sores, broken lives. I can't help but thought of what my dear friend said in debriefing: in a camp, in eight ours we shared lives; but in our lives, in how many moments have we shared hearts with people everyday we see. serving us for two years, have we ever cared? perhaps we could try.

Try? In a camp, we know we are on a mission, we let down everything, we do it. In our life, are we not commisioned? yet what have had my life? the reluctance to let down everything, especially pride. yeas, pride. the person rider. the feeling of thinking getting down is equal to losing what is under us.

transformer 2, well, though I've had many lessons, this one I couldn't help but keep thinking it: we always thought we can save ourselves. I'm not saying that transformer is in any way truthful.
but the pride, yes, the pride, have us placed too high, we thought we can handle it. not to say that confidence is wrong, but saying, know your limits, know where you are heading, know where you are.

knees bowed, what about my heart?

If a master would care for his servants, so deeply that he don't mind calling them his friends, even brothers, what about the servants? are they not ought to love each other? is it too hard for a servant to hug the brothers' arm?

If a King would tie the servant's towel around His waist, lowered down below knees level, reches out with His hands and washed a fisherman's feet, can I not to do the same?

freely received, freely give.

[and do I need to mention who are you that are in my life, making the puzzle of my life?I keep you in my prayer.]

Jesus loves us!! =)

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